Sunday, January 3, 2010


Mom's comments towards the men in our lives:

To K's husband: "You look thinner...from behind." (later..) "You're skinnier. I can tell in your legs."

To D's bf: "I mean, you just have such a nice complexion."

Brrr...Its Winter

C and I came home for awhile (holiday season). While we were home mom came over several times and each time she cut her visit short. The reason was usually because she left her dogs home alone, but our favorite was when two days in a row she left early because she left her back patio door open. It's less than 10 degrees out. Why did she leave the back door open? So the dogs could go to the bathroom whenever they want - apparently holding it for a few hours is beyond their training experience. Oh, and a doggie door is out of the question. After the first night she reported back that it was a disaster bc it had gotten so cold that the sliding door froze open. She couldn't get it shut and the house was freezing as well...despite cranking the heat up the whole time. Just use your imagination towards what that heating bill looks like! Who DOES THAT?!